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900 year diary


When the Daleks invaded Earth in the twenty-second century, they began a mining project in Bedfordshire. They intended to remove the molten core of the planet and replace it with a device which would enable them to pilot the planet around the cosmos like a vast spacecraft. Because there were still pockets of human resistance, especially around the mining area, the Daleks utilised a mutant flesh- eating creature, probably brought from their home planet Skaro, to protect the surrounding area. Resembling a hybrid plant, the Slyther patrolled at night, after curfew, and was easily hidden in the darkness because of its jet black skin. It mercilessly killed everyone it found, and possessed an uncanny tracking skill. One of its victims was the human racketeer Ashton. It also attacked Ian Chesterton. After a brief struggle, Ian was able to push the Slyther down one of the smaller mine shafts, where it fell to its death.