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900 year diary

sea devils

The original reptilian civilised inhabitants of Earth, the Sea Devils were the marine equivalent of the Silurians. Their people dominated the Earth at the end of the dinosaur era, just as mammalian life was beginning. Their scientists detected a large asteroid approaching Earth, reasoning that as it passed, it would draw the atmosphere away, making Earth uninhabitable. The reptile people built themselves vast underground and undersea shelters, placing themselves into hibernation, setting timing mechanisms that would awaken them once the atmosphere returned after the asteroid had gone. However, the asteroid fell into orbit, becoming Earth's Moon, so the atmosphere never altered and the timing mechanisms never awoke them. Over millions of years, Earth's continents moved, destroying all evidence that their civilisation had ever existed. One Sea Devil shelter was disturbed off the south coast of England and with the aid of the Master, the Sea Devils attempted to destroy humanity and reclaim their planet. The Doctor was forced to set the self-destruct mechanism in the shelter, wiping the Sea Devil colony out to avert a war. In 2084, Sea Devil warriors joined with the Silurians in an attack on Sea Base 4, but were wiped out.