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900 year diary


Not a real person as such, Channing was the identity adopted by the advance guard of the Nestene Consciousness, who arrived on Earth six months prior to the main invasion force. Similar to the Autons and facsimiles of humans, Channing was really just a plastic body but animated by a larger than normal fragment of the Nestene Consciousness, and charged with providing the Nestene host with a physical body on Earth. Channing achieved this by taking control of a plastics factory and providing a nutrient tank in which he grew the cephalopod body. Channing also masterminded the assault on humanity by the Auton killers and the substitution of major political and military figures with Auton facsimiles. He was stopped when the Doctor and Liz Shaw developed a machine that sent out electrical impulses which disrupted the flow of consciousness from the main Nestene. After his destruction, Channing's features took on those of a normal Auton rather than a facsimile of a human.