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900 year diary


Built for both menial work and protection by the ruthless humanoid exploiters known as the Dominators. The Dominators claimed to be masters of ten galaxies. They attempted to destroy the planet Dulkis and use the resultant radioactive debris to power their war fleets. The Quarks were utilised to subdue the Dulcians and bring about a reign of terror to the normally placid inhabitants. Encased in a strong metallic armour, capable of surviving the rigours of constantly moving from planet to planet, the Quarks contained within their arms powerful blasters that could kill from a great distance. Although Quarks needed to recharge fairly frequently, especially after using their blasters, they had a built-in energy replenishment device. However, even that needed recharging so periodically they had to return to the Dominators' craft for major repowering. After the Doctor placed a nuclear device back aboard the Dominator ship, the Quarks and their masters were obliterated as the ship took off.