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900 year diary


A crippled Kaled scientist who realised that years of warfare meant the Kaleds would mutate into a wholly different creature. Immoral and embittered, Davros and his fanatical followers, led by Nyder, speeded up the mutation under laboratory conditions, placing the resultant Kaled mutants into travel machines called Daleks. Davros exorcised any morality or emotions from the minds of the mutants. When his government tried to stop him, Davros allowed the Thals to destroy them, getting the Daleks to then destroy the Thals. Eventually, the Daleks exterminated him. However, hundreds of years later, the Daleks realised they needed their creator again, to help them defeat the Movellans, an army of logical robots that they could not outmanoeuvre. Davros was captured and put on trial by the humans. Ninety years later, he was freed by the Daleks, but his creations were becoming fractional, some loyal to him, some not. He hid away on Necros, disguised as the Great Healer, to build a new set of Imperial Daleks. He failed again and stood trial on Skaro, judged by his own creations. Later, placing his rapidly decomposing body inside the special casing of the Emperor Dalek, he led the search for a stellar manipulator, the Hand of Omega. Davros misdirected it, however, plunging it into Skaro's sun, which exploded and presumably destroyed Skaro itself.