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900 year diary


The Daleks were the housing for the mutated Kaleds, inhabitants of the planet Skaro. The Kaleds warred with Skaro's other inhabitants, the Thals, for hundreds of years, making most of the planet uninhabitable. The Kaled scientist Davros reasoned that the Kaleds were mutating and so speeded up the process. He altered their brains to remove emotion, compassion and morality, turning the Kaleds into perfect fighting machines. The Daleks then exterminated Davros and sought to dominate the Universe. They attacked many planets, assaults which brought together other peoples and planets, who might otherwise have been enemies, to fight a common foe. The Daleks possessed rudimentary time travel capabilities and planned to use the Time Destructor on the galaxy. This was eventually set off just on Kembel, wiping out a majority of the Dalek forces. The Daleks located Davros, revived him and hoped to use him to help defeat the Movellans. However, Davros was captured by mankind instead, and the Movellans developed a virus which wiped out the Daleks. Davros returned to Skaro, creating a deep division between Daleks loyal to him, and those loyal to the Supreme Dalek. Setting himself up as Emperor, Davros was tricked into using the Hand of Omega, and thus destroyed Skaro's sun, which obliterated Skaro as well.